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45 247k


45 247K

New AI Model Learns to Play Chess in Just 4 Hours

Breakthrough in Machine Learning and Gaming

In a groundbreaking development, a new artificial intelligence (AI) model has taught itself to play chess at a remarkable level, achieving a rating of 45 247K on the platform in just four hours.

The model, known as AlphaChessZero, was developed by researchers at DeepMind, a London-based AI company. AlphaChessZero is unique in that it learned to play chess solely from self-play, without any human input or data. This approach allowed the model to develop its own strategies and tactics, leading to a level of play that rivals even the world's best human players.

AlphaChessZero's achievement highlights the rapid progress being made in the field of AI. Just a few years ago, AI models were unable to compete with even amateur chess players. However, with the development of more powerful computing hardware and advanced algorithms, AI is quickly becoming a formidable opponent in a wide range of games and activities.

The research team behind AlphaChessZero believe that their work could have broader implications for the future of AI. They hope that the techniques developed for AlphaChessZero can be applied to other complex problems, such as drug discovery and protein folding.

In the meantime, AlphaChessZero's victory over the world's best human players serves as a reminder of the incredible potential of AI. As AI continues to advance, it is likely that we will see even more groundbreaking achievements in the years to come.


The development of AlphaChessZero is a testament to the power of AI and its potential to revolutionize the way we live and work. As AI continues to evolve, it is important for us to consider the ethical and societal implications of this technology. By working together, we can ensure that AI is used for the benefit of humanity, not to its detriment.

