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Garland Jeffreys The King Of In Between


Garland Jeffreys: The King of In Between

Musician's Legacy Honored at DOC NYC

American singer and songwriter Garland Jeffreys has been selected for DOC NYC, America's largest documentary film festival. Celebrated as the "King of In Between," Jeffreys has been a prominent figure in rock and roll, reggae, blues, and soul music for decades.

Born in 1943, Jeffreys grew up in a diverse household, exposed to a wide range of musical influences from R&B to early rock and roll. This eclectic background shaped his unique sound, blending different genres into a cohesive and captivating style.

Jeffreys' recognition at DOC NYC is a testament to his enduring influence on American music. His work continues to inspire and captivate audiences, showcasing the power of music to transcend boundaries and connect people.

