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Grand Jury Summons Vs Jury Duty

Differences Between Grand Juries and Trial Juries


In the criminal justice system, juries play a crucial role in determining the outcomes of cases. While both grand juries and trial juries are composed of ordinary citizens, they differ significantly in their functions and processes.

Grand Juries


* To determine whether there is sufficient evidence to indict a suspect for a crime.


* A group of 12-23 individuals are selected to serve. * A prosecutor presents evidence to the grand jury in a closed session. * The grand jury votes to either indict (charge the suspect) or not indict. * An indictment does not mean the suspect is guilty, but it allows the case to proceed to trial.

Trial Juries


* To determine the guilt or innocence of a suspect in a criminal trial.


* A group of 6-12 individuals are selected to serve. * The trial is held in open court, and both the prosecution and defense present evidence. * The jury deliberates in a closed session to reach a verdict. * A verdict of guilty or not guilty is rendered, and the suspect is sentenced or acquitted accordingly.

Key Differences

* **Purpose**: Grand juries determine if there is probable cause to indict, while trial juries determine guilt or innocence. * **Process**: Grand juries meet in closed session and vote on an indictment, while trial juries hold open hearings and deliberate before reaching a verdict. * **Majority**: Grand jury indictments require at least 9 members (in most jurisdictions), while trial jury verdicts typically require unanimity.
